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 Somatic Therapy Coaching Session-
I offer a complimentary 15-minute consultation so that we may meet in person or by phone and see if working together is the right match for your needs. I have office hours  in Charlottesville and in Staunton.
I also can work with you via Skype or Zoom and have given sessions to clients in other areas of the world.
Somatic Coaching Sessions Fees - Sessions last from 50 minutes to one hour. The cost is $165
NeuroAffective Touch Sessions - Sessions last 1 hour  $160.00 and 1.5 hours sessions are $240.
Cancellation policy-
I request the kindness of a 48 hour cancellation, except in unusual circumstances. You will be responsible for paying your usual fee if this is not honored.
What To Expect-
We will work together to craft sessions based on your individual needs and how you best learn and grow.

Here are some of the principles that guide the session as we work together:


  • We support the unfolding of the process as guided by your body’s inherent wisdom

  • Every session is unique and meets you in the moment

  • There might be movement, vocalization, and little experiments to uncover hidden material held in the body

  • We delve in together with curiosity and a great compassion for the human experience

  • We draw on the relational space we co-create as a space of insight and healing


Typically, we sit across from each other, either on the floor, or in comfortable chairs, and in mindfulness begin to explore whatever wants to be seen and attended to in your present-moment somatic experience.

Through gentle attunement to the felt experience in your body, we uncover unconscious beliefs that limit your full and joyful participation in life.


Because this is not psychotherapy, but rather the focused cultivation of mindfulness and embodiment in the service of self-discovery, my approach is not to tell you what to do or to give you advice. My role is to help you discover at a somatic level how to grow into your own authenticity and freedom of expression in your life. Together we will work to allow meaning and direction to arise organically from within you and to make space for your most essential self.

If you decide to also do the nutritional component ( not required in any way) whether alone or in combination with Hakomi, I do offer packages for that. Please see links below and the Nutrition Therapy section of this website for more detail.
I also have a limited number of session slots available at a reduced rate for those with financial hardships.
My strong intention is to make these remarkable healing methods available to the many who would benefit from them. So please contact me and we can discuss your needs and situation.
Cancellation Policy -
I request the kindness of a 48 hour cancellation, except in unusual circumstances. I charge the usual fee if this is not honored.



Currently I am not accepting Nutritional Coaching Clients

Jocelyn Pierce Audet CHP NTP CRNC

Phone: 540-290-6138

Appointments: Charlottesville, Staunton, & via Skype

812 East High Street, Charlottesville, Va, 22902


Body Mind Healing Arts, LLC - ©2018

DISCLAIMER It is important to remember that this form, any email, associated web site, its ideas, and products are for educational purposes only and not intended to be a replacement for the relationship you have with your healthcare provider. Any information provided is not medical advice and should not be substituted for regular consultation with your healthcare provider. The information, ideas, statements, or any third party statements presented herein have not been evaluated by the FDA, and therefore should not be construed as medical advice & are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or illness. This practitioner does not prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure diseases, but does offer a complimentary therapy that can help clients manage lifestyle and symptoms through nutritional protocols.


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